Er…Sie… und andere Ge­schich­ten

Er…Sie… und andere Ge­schich­ten

To kick off their 25th anniversary season, laborgras presents “Er… Sie… und andere Geschichten” a series of 13 short choreographies. Exploring the vast emotional states of interpersonal constellations and questioning how relationships become what they are: Which gestures connect us, which attitudes elicit loneliness, how do we set boundaries? How do you find harmony, what maintains it and what makes it dissolve? Sometimes quiet and tender, then loud and demanding, alone or as a unit, the dancers unfold the interplay between partnership and individuality. The dancers Renate Graziadei and Sergey Zhukov act alone or as a pair to lend a unique continuity to the entire performance. The border between audience and performer is lifted: The dancers are not bound to the stage individual episodes arise in different spots throughout the entire performance space. Spectators can follow them and create their own perspective on what’s happening, deciding for themselves whether to stay nearby or further away.

Concept/Artistic Direction: laborgras (Renate Graziadei & Arthur Stäldi)
Choreography: Renate Graziadei in collaboration with Sergey Zhukov
Performance: Renate Graziadei, Sergey Zhukov
Dramaturgy: Arthur Stäldi
Lighting Design: Lutz Deppe
Costume Design: Claudia Janitschek
Sound Design: Andrea Parolin
Music: Micatone, Phoebe Killdeer & The Short Straws, TCC Band, Sam Cooke and others
Production: Inge Zysk, Raquel Moreira
Press and Public Relation: k3 berlin – Kontor für Kultur und Kommunikation
Pictures: Phil Dera
Design: Neubau Berlin/Stefan Gandl
Camera: Walter Bickmann, Videoediting: laborgras

World premiere
February 21st 2019

Venue: Studio laborgras
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 44a
10999 Berlin – Kreuzberg

A laborgras production. laborgras is supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. Made at Studio laborgras.

Instant-Feedback – Frank Schmid

Review by Nicola Campanelli: