

Retour (what if…) is the first piece created in the frame of the long term Project “The Renaissance of…”, laborgras started in spring 2013.

Retour – two dancers, one musician and the question, what if…?
First conceived as a solo, the rehearsal process unveiled that one dancer alone could not represent all perspectives, reflections and situations. The second dancer therefore becomes a reflection, mirror and an echo for the soloist.

Our guiding theme for Retour is the reassurance of our essence and the essence of our work. In Retour we enter both old and new places: we contrast the reality of illusion with desire, leaving free space for various perspectives. Retour stands for the return to a previous state or location, for reaching back to what has already been said, thought or realized. What has been lived, experienced or thought becomes the fragment of what may become a whole new world.

With Retour we wanted to create a piece in which the audience is invited to submerge into a fantastic world of experience with us. The dancers leaving a unique resonance with their movement and personal characters that emanate from this movement.

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” T.S. Eliot

Concept/Choreography/Artistic Direction: laborgras (Renate Graziadei & Arthur Stäldi)
Performance: Mariagiulia Serantoni, Renate Graziadei
Composition, Voice &  Live Performance: Phoebe Killdeer
Music recordings were played by:
Guitar & Musical Saw: Ole Wulfers
Percussion: Oli Savill
Bass & Double Bass: Julien Decoret
Trumpet: Mareike Hube
Dramaturgy: Arthur Stäldi
Costume Design: Chantal Margiotta
Lighting Design: Lutz Deppe
Production: Inge Zysk, Raquel Moreira
Press and Public Relation: k3 berlin – Kontor für Kultur und Kommunikation
Pictures: Phil Dera
Design Postcard: Neubau Berlin/Stefan Gandl

World premiere
February 27th 2014

Venue: Studio laborgras
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 44a
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg

A laborgras production, supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. Made at Studio laborgras.

Neues Deutschland

Video Documentation: TanzForum Berlin